Dear one, here you can simply scroll and read different letters and feedbacks I’ve received in writing over the years. Most of the feedback comes to me through spoken words, so this is just the tip of the iceberg from my magnificent clients! I hope this gives you a good overview of different experiences and what you yourself can expect when working with me.


Abundant relationship: mother and child, 2018

“This course found me when i experienced that i was falling, falling… I was on the very edge and thanks to my daughter Heleri’s motivation, i turned into an avid student. My whole previous life has been one big fear of everything new and specially being in the company of strangers.  But weirdly enough, since our very first meeting with Iida, I felt comfortable and safe, as if we’d known each other before…

To my own surprise I have changed into more joyful, courageous and confident human being. Strangely enough, we have been receiving more guests (before no-one really ever came…) and I can even enjoy them and communicate freely. And I find myself actually searching for positive challenges in my everyday life, i’m contacting and visiting old acquaintances.

The Breath session was also a vital part of the course. To me, it was a first-ever encounter with this method and in gratitude, I was able to release many fears. Thank you!

There was enough materials, although they were so interesting, exciting and well-written, that i would not have mind having more. All the exercises were one-of-a-kind and inviting to try. Some I have surely somehow missed the first time, but will find them when i go through the materials again and when the time is right. The audio-guide was also fresh and interesting to me. I shall try to find more presence and calmness to listen and truly feel. And I will find that time.

What spoke to me the most, were acknowleding and the “ST” exercise, that truly woke me up, so I took real action steps, not to repeat the life my parents had. I let go of fear i had towards my dear husband. I used to do everything for him and pushed him away from the family that way. We’ve always had good relations, but now we feel even more love and passion than before. He has not dared or known how to express to me how needed this course was for me and the family, but he has spoken to our oldest daughter and asked her to find more of similar courses to me or to both of us.
I will forever cherish the acknowledgements, you warm look and shiny smile… To my everyday life, i will take the conspect, letter-of-joy and the reminder that “all of my time is my time”.
The greatest miracle! I have obtained an invisible protection, that keeps all the bad stuff away and draws in an abundance of love and joy!
What I enjoyed the most in this course, were the practical exercises: I could try them out anywhere and all the time and see the immediate results. Sometimes they worked well, and sometimes even better! Most of the time I’m home with at least 3 kids and they are my best teachers, reflectors and evaluators. Thanks to them and to your teachings, I will be on the everlasting path of development and evolution in my everyday life.
Continue with the courses, you do it so well! Support and embrace!


IIDALA Course in Miracles, 2017

I came to the course with an open heart, but didn’t have any expectations. I had taken a Breathsession only once before and even though it helped me to get clarity in some issues, then I felt, yes, it’s quite cool, but probably not for me. Back then, I guess, it wasn’t! During the whole 10 weeks of this course I was thinking to myself, that it simply can’t get any better, but it did!

I am sooo-sooo grateful to myself that I signed up for Miracle Course, cause thanks to your teachings, stories and practical exercises, i’ve reached a place, where i feel good creating, living and feel good in my body. I’ve learned to live much more in the NOW and enjoy every situation that comes up, cause life is one big miracle! I have reached a stage where i’m actually here for myself and i haven’t felt that feeling for such a long time.

Thank you for being Real! Thank you for the courage of sharing! Thank you for the skill of being here for me, always at the right time!

So many times, I have found myself wishing that every person on Earth could come and breath with you, cause it’s so cool! :D So crazy-amazing! I’m so happy that you entered my life and taught me to live fully! THANK YOU!


IIDALA Course in Miracles, 2017

I like the life in You and in everything you share. That’s also the reason why listening to you, I don’t get the feeling that you are simply talking about something you read from a book just a few moments ago. Instead, it’s actually experienced, sensed all the way through, practical and so precise that I sometimes want to pinch myself to be sure it’s real. And then it hits you…oh dear God, IT IS REAL! 

Thanks to your course, I feel more and more ME. And it’s so great! I truly enjoy!
I’m using the tools, that you shared, every day. They work.
This course has been an amazing gift for myself. Thank you!

PS. Very good sense of humor is like a cherry on the top!

It would be wonderful, if you and life had something inspiring and great, that helps us to keep on rollerscating on the treetops, still in the making, for us to enjoy!



I am sincerely grateful for the chance of finding you!

I entered the last breahtsession with an intention of “Loving relationship”.

This session was powerfully releasing! I have stayed in an euphoric and over-the-moon blissful state of being for the whole week.

After the session I felt as if my body was made of air, very light. And I had tons of energy! I often take a walk in the evenings. I’m sharing one moment from such a walk: "Moon shines across the river. It playes with the clouds or the clouds are playing with the moon. This creates a trembling stream of light on the surface of the water. I hear windchimes close by, the wind is calmly playing in the reed.” Observing this moment in awe (10 min), I notice that this euphoric, light and blissful feeling is like falling in love.

In love with myself?

It has never happened to me before…

It’s my best week of bliss and happiness. Ever. 2 weeks into the 6-months long course.


Parenting from the Heart program, 2020-2021

Hi! I wanted to share how cool is to experience synchronicities. I’m also studying in the Holistic Therapy Institute and when I have some unanswered questions there, I simply watch your videos and the gaps get filled in!


I’m sharing real life effects after our meeting. A few days ago while I was multitasking in the kitchen, and my mind was in a hurry mode, I poured water from the filtering jug into the boiling pot of porridge together with the lid! I got angry and screamed to myself: “I LOVE YOU!” The next moment I instantly calmed down and was like: “Oh…really?? You do??” And my whole tempo calmed and I was able to get present.


I had an inkling of being offended from todays interactions in my personal life. I knew I had given myself away a lot and now, watching your video, I got to gather it all back into my center! It felt so good. I feel more whole!


Oh, what a wonderful tip you just shared! I managed to apply this while tidying today. I was running around when my daughter came to me and asked to sit on my lap. The first thought I had was: “Oh, what a bad timing again!” But then I remembered your words and I took time for her. We hugged and carressed and off she went! As quickly as she came!


Breathwork client, 2021

I wanted to thank you again for our meeting. It was really needed and I felt as if it activated a true purification and release process in me. I’ve been lighting a bonfire at home every day after we met!

I truly needed to understand if the relationship I have with my husband is currently destroying me or am I expanding and growing still. This line can sometimes be pretty unclear. But I got clarity! And this was really important for me! And another thing: I think I truly needed to hear someone telling me that I do support myself and make choices that honour and respect myself.

Therapy with you was really worth it!


Craniosacral Therapy client, Parenting Program, 2022

Dearest Iida-Leena,

I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart! I breathe in the fresh and sunny pine forest air, I breathe out and say: THANK YOU!

Visiting you brought such lightness to me! The afterfeeling was so-so cosy! I can’t even put it into words… When I drove towards you, I felt anxious and tense. I managed to get lost a bit with my car and the time was ticking and I even thought about calling in and cancelling the session. But I’m so grateful that I managed to gather myself in this moment and drive forward!

When I stepped into my car after the session and released my hair from the huge and heavy bun, turned on my favourite music, and then…wow. My body felt soooo light. Almost like after the sauna and the cold bath, when I stay outside and just breathe. Soft, easy, empty from all thoughts! I would have stayed and admired your beautiful horses for longer if my family hadn’t been waiting for me at home. And I haven’t felt so light and free for a very, very long time. I didn’t even write to my husband to ask how the kids are doing. Thank you! I

You are a wonderful, bright and joyful soul! Even just talking to you…your eyes are shining such positivity and bliss, so in case the therapy turnes out to be useless (which I do not believe can happen), then even just a conversation with you gives so much lightness and joy!

And the recommendations from your parenting program - well, I’ve noticed that I have started to put them into practice without a concsious decision to do so! I felt really good for being able to handle a situation differently after a conversation with my son yesterday. 

You are doing a really right thing, you know!

May you be blessed!


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy client, 2020-2022

It's very powerful, you know. Thank you, Iida. I’m sharing some after session thoughts with you: in the beginning it felt almost the same as after the sauna. Then I felt my overthinking and worrying a bit active still, yet slowly but surely, this started to fade away and my eyebrows and corners of my mouth started to go up. When I reached the shop in town, I totally “lost it”. I could barely keep myself from laughing out loud and the covid mask helped to keep a straight face a bit, but my eyes were shining and my whole body was laughing. Thinking back to it, it feels like as if I compensated for all the unleashed laughs of my life during those 5 minutes in the shop. Overwhelming thick joy! Ps, I can still feel a lot of sensations in my lower back, it feels as if my whole vertebra is breathing. Thank you! Hugs!


This time I spent a few days inside after the session, going through a small retreat. I didn’t exactly plan it, but I was looking for it and everything came together. The first 8 hours felt almost like an amphetamine trip. (Experimented a bit during my rebellious youth). The only difference was that now I was able to observe my thoughts and they didn’t relentlessly consume me. But all else? I felt like a Young God! And it wasn’t episodic but constant! I would have joined a forest trance fest, if I’d found any…But home alone, I mean, how long can you just dance around and feel silly like that!? So I started to meditate, to lower my euphoria a bit, to make it productive. And hold your horses - this is when the true trip began! I’m not an epic meditation-guru or anything, I’m practicing very occasionally. Usually I just get sleepy. But this time, it totally draw me in and invited me back again and again. Even as I’m sitting here and writing this, I can feel this calling. The next day, this acceleration was gone, but my mood, vibe and senses were still very different. My kid was with his mom, I had no obligations during the weekend and so I continued. I didn’t do anything else for 2 days in a row. Until now, I’v experienced alternated states of being and micro-enlightenments anchoring into the everyday life when they have been experienced through some outer senses: looking at something, conversing…etc. This time, it all happened in the depth of my being, eyes closed. I do not know yet how much of it will reach to influence my everyday levels. Subconcsious is still changing, I can feel it, there’s traffic. But the whole experience was actually gentle and soft, no heavy artillery or jingle-bells.

About my head and neck position, that you mentioned. I remembered now that there was a boy in the middle-school who used to bully me for holding my head a bit to the side. There was a time I used to identify myself through this. Today, it’s barely noticable, and I had almost forgotten that it even existed, but the essence is still there. Cranio is like..a way to look yourself and your life in a mirror. I’m very glad that you noticed and pointed it out to me.


Breathgroups and private client, 2019-2021

I would like to thank you for another circle: your breathsessions are always so supportive and enlightening! I come home every time with such a great amount of newness, that I’m not even sure, I manage to integrate it all! There are plenty of topics that come up in me during the one hour breathwork session, each one waiting for it’s turn, for my attention. Breathwork is a really powerful tool and what an empowering and capable therapist and guide you are! You manage to create an atmosphere where it’s totally possible to explore the outskirts of human psychi.

Thank you for this enlightening experience and I will definitely join in next time too! Step by step, moving closer to myself - one breathe at a time. PS: The last song you were humming brought me to a place of pure lightness: there was no room for worries. It was beautiful.


You know what, Iida? Your attitude is simply so supportive and life-affirming that it guides me back into myself over and over again! When I read your answeres to my questions, I just…relax. There are so many different oppinions in the world that don’t leave room for anything else and one way or another, the effect is frightening. So, I’m so very grateful to you!


Yes, it’s time to live now! And you have been helping me to understand this! And to step into the greater expansion on the feeling level too! Ja ka tundetasandil suuremasse avarusse jõuda. By the way, I have taken many different parenting programs in the past, but your course went straight to the heart! It’s so precise! Exactly the way I want to approach my kids.


I woke up with special clarity, peace and joy yesterday! All my longheld tiredness was gone, though there was no change in the quality of my sleep. As if all my past experiences had untangled themselves and were knitted into a beautiful cardigan. So much understanding, space, peace and joy! A feeling that I can easily archive my past life and leave it there. And I’m very excited about the future - what awaits me around the corner?! I am in warm gratitude!